Sentinel® AT® turf type tall fescue blend is particularly adapted for the Transition, Southern and Northern zones. With improved varieties such as Temple, Thunderstruck, Black Tail, Thor, Trinity, and Diablo comprising the blend, Sentinel® AT® has shown improved darker green color and narrower leaf texture ratings. With the AT® (Aggressive Tillering) trait you get improved density, increased root mass and enhanced establishment. Sentinel® AT® features excellent resistance to a complex list of diseases including brown patch and leaf spot. In addition to excellent heat and drought tolerance, Sentinel® AT® exhibits good wear resistance, early spring green up, fine leaved textured, dark green color that provides an exceptional turf under many applications. Benefits • Outstanding Disease Resistance • Drought Tolerant • Dark Green Turf • Fine-Leaf Texture • Excellent Mowability • Aggressive Tillering • Superior Brown Patch Resistance • Improved Turf Density New Establishment: Overseeding: 8-10 lbs. per 1,000 square feet 4-5 lbs. per 1,000 square feet 50lb - $145.00 25lb - $75.00 10lb - $40.00 3lb - $15.00

$145.00 $199.00-27.14%

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