Cultured Solutions® BLOOM A is a full spectrum, mineral based nutrient which contains all the elements necessary to produce prolific results. With a properly balanced dose of minerals in solution, BLOOM A affords plants just what they need to thrive as they push forward into the reproductive stage. Instructions Seedlings/Cuttings: 0.5-1mL per gallon, adjust solution to a 5.8 pH. General: 2-5mL per gallon, adjust solution to a 5.8 pH. Always use equal parts of Bloom A & Bloom B. Rockwool/Coco/Soilless: Refer to Cultured Solutions Drain to Waste Feeding Schedule. RDWC/DWC/NFT/Aero: Refer to Cultured Solutions Recirculating Hydro Feeding Schedule. For recommendations not covered in the Cultured Solutions Feeding Schedule, contact support at – Recommended starting EC for source water should be 0-20ppm. – Shake Well Before Use. – Do not pour unused fertilizer back into the bottle. – Maintain clean measuring devices. – Store in a cool, dark area.


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